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Pre-Care Instructions


Before your Appointment

  • Bring your valid, current, government issued ID to each and every visit. We cannot tattoo you without your ID present or if it is expired.  

  • Be prepared to fill out paperwork with medical history information. If you have any medical condition that requires a doctor’s note beforehand, make sure you have the necessary documentation to avoid needing to reschedule. Check with your artist if you are unsure.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol and over the counter painkillers for 24 hours before your appointment. You cannot be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of your appointment. Do not come to your appointment hungover.

  • Reschedule your appointment if your skin is irritated, damaged, sunburned or you feel ill. We cannot work on skin that's sunburnt or has rashes or lesions. Products containing any types of retinol, acids, exfoliants and other active ingredients do not provide desirable conditions to tattooing and can hinder the results. Please discontinue the use of skin care with active ingredients and keep your routine simple and minimal for 30 days before your appointment.

  • Drink plenty of water and get good sleep the night before. Eat within 2 hours before your tattoo procedure but avoid caffeinated, alcoholic beverages or energy drinks before your appointment.

  • Avoid aspirin and/or ibuprofen or other blood thinners for 24-48 hours before your appointment, unless your physician requires you to take it.

  • Keep an eye on your inbox for emails about your appointment.

  • If you're not feeling well, please stay home. We do the best we can to prevent the spread of communicable diseases and infection. If you're displaying symptoms of a cold, flu or other illness we will not tattoo you at that time.

  • A fresh disposable mask will be provided as on option for those who choose to wear one. Masks help us keep our breath to ourselves while working in such close range face-to-face proximity. Your artist will most likely be wearing one during the tattoo portion of the procedure.



For Cosmetic Tattooing Procedures

  • Previous cosmetic tattooing/microblading must be disclosed to the artist and a consultation is required before scheduling an appointment. If you have ever had old cosmetic tattooing in the area to be tattooed, and schedule an appointment without having a consultation first, you may lose your booking fee in the case that we cannot work over your old tattoo/microblading. This is at the artist's discretion.

  • In the days/weeks leading up to the appointment, avoid using harsh products containing exfoliants, acids, retinol or peels. Your skin should be healthy and calm. Stop tanning and do not get sunburnt. We cannot tattoo sunburnt skin.  Speak with your technician regarding your specific skincare routine before your appointment.

  • Refrain from tinting, using henna, and tweezing/waxing/threading/other hair removal methods for 1 month before eyebrow services.

  • Avoid botox, fillers or other beauty injections in the month before your appointment.


For Permanent Eyeliner procedures: 

  • Discontinue the use of any eyelash growth serums or products for 4-6 weeks prior to your appointment.

  • Contact lenses cannot be worn during the procedure or for 5 days after. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR GLASSES!

  • Eyelash extensions must be removed before your appointment and cannot be replaced until one month after the touch-up.

  • Do not wear mascara to your appointment, it can be difficult to remove and irritate the area further. If removal of mascara is required, a $10 fee will be added to the price of the procedure.


The Day of Your Appointment

  • Please arrive on time.* Please wait until your appointment time to arrive. Let us know if you're going to be late.

  • Wear comfortable clothing that won’t be hurt by potential ink stains. Make sure the artist can easily access the area being tattooed. Consider dressing in layers in case you get warm/cold.

  • We ask that you please come to you appointment alone. Children under 18 are not allowed in the studio and other guests will be asked to wait elsewhere.

  • Eat a light meal or snack before you come, food is not allowed in the treatment room.

  • Please leave your phone and other belongings in your bag or on the chair/client seating area. We try to keep the procedure area clean from everyday germs and distractions to a minimum.

  • Be patient and come prepared to lay on your back without moving around. The procedure should not be rushed.

  • Stay calm. Let your artist know if you’re nervous, and they can often help by explaining the process to you. You should keep your body relaxed, breathe steadily and slowly.

  • Pay attention to the instructions your artist gives you during the procedure. and do not touch the area being tattooed to prevent the spread of germs.

  • Inform your artist if you need to take a quick break or if you need to move, stretch, sneeze or if you’re feeling nauseous or dizzy.

  • Expect to feel tired after receiving your tattoo.


*We have specific amounts of time blocked out for each client. Please respect our time by being on time. If you are early please wait until your appointment time to come in to the studio so we can be prepped and ready for you. If you are going to be late (even a few minutes) please let us know so we can make sure there is enough time to complete your appointment in the space remaining. In some cases we may need to reschedule due to tardiness and a reschedule fee of $50 may be required to rebook.



Please let us know a minimum of 72 hours in advance if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment

by calling or texting 503-508-6803





Blink Tattoo & Esthetics

Capitol Tower, Suite 601

388 State Street 

Salem, Oregon 97301



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